Artistic depiction, of Jesus Christ... ...walking, along... 'a path'...
2:21 PM (9/19/24):
[could Jesus be watching the battle, between Goku and 'someone else'... ...while peering, over the hilltop... ...as the song 'The Hills,' by 'The Weeknd'... ...plays... ...and in the context, of Jesus just having noticed... ...Goku entering the scene (via the 'Instant Transmission' technique)... ...after someone fired, a 'kamehameha'...]
"Getting to heaven, via natural means... ...requires consulting, examples... ...of this act. They can be found, within the bible..." - Michael Izuchukwu
1. THOUGHTS OF THE PRINCE, OF DARKNESS (izthewhiz32.blogspot.com) 2. Michael is on Couchsurfing! | Couchsurfing - https://www.couchsurfing.com/people/mci-1
11:12 AM (9/22/24):
After finishing a brief walk, to Monte Irvin Orange Park... ...not too long ago... ...it was moments before 11:10 AM, on this day... ...that I had, the following insight:
After finishing a brief walk, to Monte Irvin Orange Park... ...not too long ago... ...it was moments before 11:10 AM, on this day... ...that I had, the following insight:
Why was it a snake (of all the animals, in the 'Garden of Eden')... ...that approached, Adam and Eve... ...to, deceive them...?
11:23 AM (9/22/24):
Prior to my walk, I had gone to Walgreens... ...to hydrate:
At Walgreens, in East Orange, NJ... ...and checking out, at 9:49 AM... on 9/22/24
(I've been seeing 'doppelgangers,' of this 'female type'... ...as of late - vibe-wise)
At Walgreens, in East Orange, NJ... ...and checking out, at 9:51 AM... on 9/22/24
...could these, be spies...?
...could these, be spies...?
At Walgreens, in East Orange, NJ... ...and checking out, at 9:52 AM... on 9/22/24
11:25 AM (9/22/24):
When I went to Monte Irvin Orange Park, I saw 3 groups of 'resting/sleeping geese'... ...spaced out, as:
When I went to Monte Irvin Orange Park, I saw 3 groups of 'resting/sleeping geese'... ...spaced out, as:
15, 7, and 16 (by the pond's edge)
11:31 AM (9/22/24):
A random thought of mine, from minutes ago... ...was a revisitation, of a former thought of mine... ...which was, that an author... ...on a different planet, in our universe... ...wrote a book, called 'A Walk, With The King'...
A random thought of mine, from minutes ago... ...was a revisitation, of a former thought of mine... ...which was, that an author... ...on a different planet, in our universe... ...wrote a book, called 'A Walk, With The King'...
The random thought, was an elaboration... ...of 'this idea'... ...and was, that the author's planet... ...is called 'Algador'...
11:35 AM (9/22/24):
Songs that I listened to (in chronological order), as I went for my walk:
4.JAY-Z - Young Forever ft. Mr Hudson - YouTube (1:36-1:59)
7:00 AM (9/22/24):
Instagram snapshot, from 6:46 AM... on 9/22/24... I noticed that Professor Lisa Randall, has a tendency... ...to text, in a broken way (here, she appears to be... ...at 'the United Nations')
My hypothesis, is that she may have encountered certain people... ...who took great interest, in what she does (for a living)... ...and 'her act,' is for the sake... ...of masquerading, as someone... ...that is 'difficult to gauge'...
My hypothesis, is that she may have encountered certain people... ...who took great interest, in what she does (for a living)... ...and 'her act,' is for the sake... ...of masquerading, as someone... ...that is 'difficult to gauge'...
"Professor Randall was the first tenured woman in the Princeton physics department and the first tenured female theoretical physicist at Harvard."
TikTok account snapshot ('fishersofmen42'), from 10:13 PM... on 9/21/24
I talked about 'fishers of men,' here:
I talked about 'fishers of men,' here:
9:40 AM (9/21/24):
...what is Rwanda deterrence...? (theoretical 'Jeopardy' show statement-based question)
...what is Rwanda deterrence...? (theoretical 'Jeopardy' show statement-based question)
"Beginning in 1994 and lasting only 100 days, the Rwandan Genocide is one of the most notorious modern genocides. During this 100 day period between April and July 1994, nearly one million ethnic Tutsi and moderate Hutu were killed as the international community and UN peacekeepers 'stood by'." (via Google)
This was the 'Rwandan Holocaust'... ...if we compare such, with the following:
This was the 'Rwandan Holocaust'... ...if we compare such, with the following:
...what is Auschwitz...? (theoretical 'Jeopardy' show statement-based question)
how long did concentration camps last - Google Search (September 1, 1939 - May 8, 1945)
how many people died during the holocaust - Google Search (six million Jewish people)
9:56 AM (9/21/24):
The 'above' makes me question, how human nature... ...could result, in such atrocities...
The 'above' makes me question, how human nature... ...could result, in such atrocities...
Apparently, such 'holocausts'... ...are not 'regionally exclusive'...
9:58 AM (9/21/24):
3 months, vs. '5' years... ...though, for 1 million versus 6 million... ...respectively. Makes you wonder...
3 months, vs. '5' years... ...though, for 1 million versus 6 million... ...respectively. Makes you wonder...
12:35 PM (9/21/24):
Blood Diamond - Ending Scene (HD) - YouTube
Blood Diamond - Ending Scene (HD) - YouTube
sierra leone civil war - Google Search (March 23, 1991 - January 18, 2002)
At 12:33 PM today, the following idea... ...occurred to me, spontaneously:
Electricity follows the path of least resistance, and money has been called 'currency'... ...which typically differs, based off with country/nation... one is in [dollar/United States currency, Euro/Europe's currency, renminbi (Yuan)/Chinese currency, Yen/Japanese currency and etcetera]. Currency is a word, that alludes to 'current'... ...which is what the flow of electricity, is thought of.
For this reason, it can be inferred... ...that there are those, who may conflate those... ...who have 'a lot of money'... ...as people, who 'follow paths... ...of least resistance [or those, who have lesser resistance (from others)... ...in life]'... This is not always, the case... ...due to the following bible verses:
"Money, is the root... ...of all evil..." - 1 Timothy 6:10
"It is easier, for a camel... ...to pass through the eye, of a needle... ...than it is, for a rich man... ...to enter, the Kingdom... ...of Heaven..." - Matthew 19:24
12:46 PM (9/21/24):
Titanic Death of Tommy and Mr. Murdoch - YouTube (0:00-0:24)
12:53 PM (9/21/24):
"Money is typically correlated, to 'increased attachments'... ...that one, may have... These attachments, can be people, obligations or investments... ...and at times, they are not always benign/advantageous; they can be tasking/malignant (if not 'thoroughly screened')..." - Michael Izuchukwu
"Money is typically correlated, to 'increased attachments'... ...that one, may have... These attachments, can be people, obligations or investments... ...and at times, they are not always benign/advantageous; they can be tasking/malignant (if not 'thoroughly screened')..." - Michael Izuchukwu
2:22 PM (9/21/24):
...It has been said, that money is the root (basis) of all evil... ...but what is the root, of money...
I believe, the root of money... ...is motivation-based... ...and ultimately accounts, for where on the spectrum of evil... ...one falls... ...if evil, results...
I believe, the root of money... ...is motivation-based... ...and ultimately accounts, for where on the spectrum of evil... ...one falls... ...if evil, results...
2:31 PM (9/21/24):
Cornell University (Ithaca, NY)*
(YouTube video recommendation)
(YouTube video recommendation)
9:06 PM (9/21/24):
The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) - YouTube (1:07:39-1:08:37)
The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) - YouTube (1:07:39-1:08:37)
This video segment, of this movie... ...was particularly interesting. The beauty, of mathematics... ...that is; when the instructions, are understood... ...fluidity of 'made connections,' is possible...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
9:03 AM (9/20/24):
Regarding this article, for 'incoming undergraduates'... to Harvard University... ...after reading such... ...I had the feeling, that when I was a high schooler... ...my dad may have felt, like he 'was camping'... ...and waiting for me, to become a 'huge... financial success'... ...so that he could reap, the fruits... of my labor (I had received a 'full ride scholarship,' to Rice University... for my academic and athletic accolades... ...and matriculated there, in the Fall of 2008 - many variables, account... ...for the fluidity, of the collegiate experience)... He would frequently state, that he wanted me to buy him 'certain cars'... for himself... ...in the future (when I 'would have,' the means)... ...and yet, he was not encouraging... ...of me, driving... ...as a teenager.
My dad stated, via his Facebook profile... ...that he formerly attended Harvard University, for 'Product Design & Development'... ...but he never disclosed this, to me... I only knew of this, after discovering... his Facebook profile...
My dad stated, via his Facebook profile... ...that he formerly attended Harvard University, for 'Product Design & Development'... ...but he never disclosed this, to me... I only knew of this, after discovering... his Facebook profile...
d. https://www.facebook.com/john.izuchukwu.5836 (Facebook) >>> dad's Facebook profile
Snapshot of my dad's Facebook profile, from 9:13 AM... on 9/20/24. He stated that he went to Harvard, in 1995... ...and graduated from there, in 1996...
9:24 AM (9/20/24):
9:57 AM (9/20/24):
Seconds ago, I had the insight... ...that if there were, to be a Fields Medalist... ...that is of African descent (African American disposition/phenotype, specifically speaking)... ...then such an individual, would likely relate... ...to my high school background (upbringing-wise)... ...but in a sense, that might be inclined... ...to being 'increasingly academic'... ...and '...perhaps more social'... ...due to the nature, of communication... of mathematics... ...when 'presenting ideas'... (to audiences)... (also, such a person would likely have to have conflict management, resources/opportunities and be in the 'right spacetime'...)
Seconds ago, I had the insight... ...that if there were, to be a Fields Medalist... ...that is of African descent (African American disposition/phenotype, specifically speaking)... ...then such an individual, would likely relate... ...to my high school background (upbringing-wise)... ...but in a sense, that might be inclined... ...to being 'increasingly academic'... ...and '...perhaps more social'... ...due to the nature, of communication... of mathematics... ...when 'presenting ideas'... (to audiences)... (also, such a person would likely have to have conflict management, resources/opportunities and be in the 'right spacetime'...)
There has yet, to be one... ...to my understanding...
There has yet, to be one... ...to my understanding...
10:00 AM (9/20/24):
"No, as of today, there has never been an African American mathematician who has won the Fields Medal, which is considered the equivalent of the Nobel Prize in mathematics; meaning no African American has ever received this prestigious award" (via Google)
10:49 AM (9/20/24):
When I read 'the above,' the only word that appeared in my mind... ...was '...shit...'
[while this soundtrack, was playing... ...in the background -
10:40 AM (9/20/24):
Once again, seconds ago... ...I had another insight. Such was the following:
Once again, seconds ago... ...I had another insight. Such was the following:
Jesus Christ resurrected Lazarus, and He himself... ...was resurrected... ...in the aftermath, of His Crucifixion. This sentiment, alludes to Isaac Newton's 3rd law:
'For every action, there is an equal and opposite... reaction'...
...and the following bible verse:
"I, the LORD, search the heart and examine the mind... ...to reward each person, according to their conduct… ...according, to what their deeds... deserve..." - Jeremiah 17:10 (regarding God the Father, before the time... of Jesus Christ/'God the Son')
This insight, was 'interesting'... ...to me...
This insight, was 'interesting'... ...to me...
10:52 AM (9/20/24):
3:31 PM (9/20/24):
At 3:28 PM on 9/20/24, I had a 'very short' daydream... I had visualized a mountain, and the shape of such... ...evoked, of Mount Fuji (in Japan)... (based, off the fume-like clouds... ...that were 'atop' such - ...'in the dream')
At 3:28 PM on 9/20/24, I had a 'very short' daydream... I had visualized a mountain, and the shape of such... ...evoked, of Mount Fuji (in Japan)... (based, off the fume-like clouds... ...that were 'atop' such - ...'in the dream')
The basis of this visualization, was that 'in this dream'... Jesus Christ, was critiquing an aspect... ...of my afterlife ambition, that I formerly stated... ...that I foresaw... ...my trajectory, was (regarding being a 4.14-dimensional being, as of Day 1... ...of the afterlife)...
The critique, was as follows (third person-wise):
In terms of anything (being dealt, with as a 'pending' 4.14-D being) that is God-level (1)... Michael Izuchukwu is presently relating... ...to '10' times, Albert Einstein frequency... ...regarding, his energy (physical and intellectual) input/expenditure (and cumulative feedback, thus far)... ...for, this ideal...
In terms of anything (being dealt, with as a 'pending' 4.14-D being), that is undefined-level (0)... Michael Izuchukwu is presently relating... ...to '1' times Albert Einstein frequency... ...regarding, his energy (physical and intellectual) input/expenditure (and cumulative feedback, thus far)... ...for, this ideal...
These '2' critiques, are in the context... ...of me being, 'a dimensional kai'... ...which is a 'dimensional being, of higher order'... ...'in training'... (a preceding stage)...
These '2' critiques, are in the context... ...of me being, 'a dimensional kai'... ...which is a 'dimensional being, of higher order'... ...'in training'... (a preceding stage)...
A dimensional kai, is arguably... ...the life-based variation... ...of a dimensional being, of higher order...
A dimensional being, of higher order (than 3.00-D)... ...could be:
3.20-D, 3.57-D, 4.00-D or 4.19-D... ...to my present, understanding...
4:15 PM (9/20/24):
4:19 PM (9/20/24):
Study finds possible hidden ocean underneath Mars' surface - YouTube (2:33-2:37)
Study finds possible hidden ocean underneath Mars' surface - YouTube (2:33-2:37)
If you poke a hole into Mars ('via drilling'), wouldn't outer space... ...freeze, the 'underground oceans'...?
5:03 PM (9/20/24):
Outing to 'Dunkin Donuts,' in Newark, NJ... ...as of 12:17 PM... on 9/20/24...
Outing to 'Dunkin Donuts,' in Newark, NJ... ...as of 12:23 PM... on 9/20/24...
5:11 PM (9/20/24):
At this 'moment,' an inference of mine... ...was that, if you 'become a galactic god (as I suspect, Jesus Christ... presently is)'... ...then, each galaxy... ...is like... ...a 'different country'...
At this 'moment,' an inference of mine... ...was that, if you 'become a galactic god (as I suspect, Jesus Christ... presently is)'... ...then, each galaxy... ...is like... ...a 'different country'...
8:23 AM (9/20/24):
'Spiders on Mars' fully awakened on Earth for 1st time — and scientists are shrieking with joy | Live Science
'Spiders on Mars' fully awakened on Earth for 1st time — and scientists are shrieking with joy | Live Science
Articles such as these, make me speculate/wonder about what awaking on a different planet... ...would be like. Humans take for granted, their awakenings... ...on Earth... ...but awaking on Mars, is within the realm... ...of 'science nonfiction'...
11:40 PM (9/19/24):
There are some doors, that should never be opened... ...some streams, that should never be stepped in... ...and some roads, that should never... ...be crossed... A man who lacks wisdom, is like a ship that has set sail... ...without, an 'intended destination'...
There are some doors, that should never be opened... ...some streams, that should never be stepped in... ...and some roads, that should never... ...be crossed... A man who lacks wisdom, is like a ship that has set sail... ...without, an 'intended destination'...
Geographic map, of Earth
10:00 PM (9/19/24):There are times, when I have wondered... ...if 'the Rapture (a biblical event)' were to occur... ...how many people, from each continent (North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Antarctica, and Australia)... ...would 'be Raptured'...? (that's an answer, I'm curious about)
The bible speaks of the 7 deadly sins - pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth.
The bible speaks of the 7 deadly sins - pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth.
There are many biblical references, that make allusions... ...or reference... ...to these concepts (which have accounted, for the anguish of humanity... ...since the start, of human history)...
clip6 "When was the last time the world wasn't falling apart, huh?" -Blood Diamond (2006) (youtube.com)
2:18 PM (9/19/24):
I was listening to the following song, via my headphones... ...in the moments, leading up... to this filming:
I was listening to the following song, via my headphones... ...in the moments, leading up... to this filming:
7:34 PM (9/19/24):
“Beware of humans, who have low self-worth… …and are vocal
of this, in a manner… …that is both prideful, and ignorant…” – Michael Izuchukwu,
7:31 PM (9/19/24)
NOTE #1:
Earlier today, the mom of my roommate (Brice Blanchard)... ...said to Brice (while at my room door), that she applied for a 'pizza job'... ...so that she could 'wipe tables (she sought, to take on... this responsibility)'... A 'few' minutes, before I came up... with the 'above quote'... ...she reiterated in the hallway, boisterously (as she had, on a prior occasion) '...I have a learning disability'... ...in a manner, that was nonchalant, content and indifferent...
Earlier today, the mom of my roommate (Brice Blanchard)... ...said to Brice (while at my room door), that she applied for a 'pizza job'... ...so that she could 'wipe tables (she sought, to take on... this responsibility)'... A 'few' minutes, before I came up... with the 'above quote'... ...she reiterated in the hallway, boisterously (as she had, on a prior occasion) '...I have a learning disability'... ...in a manner, that was nonchalant, content and indifferent...
NOTE #2:
My roommate's mom, happens to be 'an occupant'... ...of my dominion...
My roommate's mom, happens to be 'an occupant'... ...of my dominion...
“If a person has a certain ship, it takes a degree of
intellect… …to both 'drive' such, and gauge… …whether one, is reaching… …an 'intended
destination'…” – Michael Izuchukwu, 7:33 PM (9/19/24)
There are many types, of ships (both physical, and metaphysical/metaphorical)... ...and people may utilize them (make, steer or drive), because they aspire... ...to see, 'a new world'...
There are many types, of ships (both physical, and metaphysical/metaphorical)... ...and people may utilize them (make, steer or drive), because they aspire... ...to see, 'a new world'...
7:54 PM (9/19/24):
The more you learn, the less you know. - YouTube
The more you learn, the less you know. - YouTube
To learn a language, in an alphabet... ...other than, your 'native one/tongue'... ...likely requires, the recitation... ...of words, to oneself (via some type, of 'primer')...
7:58 PM (9/19/24):
Politics is too Black and White These Days - YouTube [strange voice (in my opinion) - seemingly, 'a mismatch']
10:33 AM (9/19/24):
RECAP (formerly posted, to Facebook):
RECAP (formerly posted, to Facebook):
"Roommate sleeping ('and snoring'), as of 12:22 AM... on 9/19/24... The nature of such, was strange; two of his fingers, were held... against, his chin..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
A divine sign, perhaps? 'Touching face' >>> 'T' & 'F'... ...or track and field? Also, in terms of English gematria conversion... ...to 'numerical valuation':
...'touching face' >>> 20-15-21-3-8-9-14-7 & 6-1-3-5
NOTE #2: Snoring, like the Pokemon 'Snorlax'
NOTE #3: As of 7:28 AM, on 9/19/24... ...the idea, that God the Son ('Jesus Christ')... ...may be suggesting (in a metaphorical way)... ...that based off my roommate's conduct... ...he may have candidacy, for being 'a slave... ...in the afterlife '... ...was instilled, within me...
This was due, to the 'prior' inference... that Brice was comparable, to a Pokemon ('Snorlax')... ...which is a creature, that is subject... ...to 'being captured'...
7:34 AM (9/19/24):
10:00 PM (9/18/24):
5:26 PM (9/21/24):
A photo of me, juxtaposed with my '8' dimensional monsters
The photo of myself, was from 12:46 PM... on 8/10/22 (in Monte Irvin Orange Park, of East Orange, NJ)... ...and the '8' dimensional monsters, are rendered... ...in the likeness, of sketches...
The photo of myself, was from 12:46 PM... on 8/10/22 (in Monte Irvin Orange Park, of East Orange, NJ)... ...and the '8' dimensional monsters, are rendered... ...in the likeness, of sketches...
10:08 PM (9/18/24):
RECAP (formerly posted, to Facebook):
6:46 PM (9/15/24): I formerly stated, that I see myself... ...as a 'dimensional kai'... ...which arguably, is someone... ...who is of a 'dimensional bent'... ...and has candidacy, for becoming a dimensional being... ...of 'higher order'... ...on the grounds, of feats/achievements... ...that fulfill, the prerequisite tests... ...in the eyes, of God the Son and/or God the Father... ...Based off my circumstances, present and ongoing familial dynamics and relations... ...and my status quo... ...I am currently committed, to finding a significant other... ...in the context, of a girlfriend, partner or 'life mission ally'... Regarding the aforementioned, I am presently considering 'not having' biological children... ...and instead, having '8' dimensional monsters... ...as 'honorary children'...
NOTE #1:
I presently have found 'and' selected, 7 dimensional monsters, so this implies... ...that '1' is pending, discovery... (perhaps I will group 'all of them,' together... ...in a photo... ...once the assembly, 'is complete' - ...or 'give descriptions')
NOTE #2:
The above idea, is only valid ('substantiated')... ...if one has received significant feedback, from 'God'... ...that one, is walking... ...on a 'spiritually intended' path...
NOTE #3:
These 'dimensional monsters,' are 2-dimensional still frames... of animations/animated characters... ...that could grow... ...into 'something more'... ...in the 'afterlife'... ...if on Judgment Day, my wishes/desires... ...are granted... ...on the basis, of my life actions...
6:56 PM (9/15/24): "I, the LORD, search the heart and examine the mind... ...to reward each person, according to their conduct… ...according, to what their deeds... ....deserve..." - Jeremiah 17:10 (regarding God the Father, before the time... ...of Jesus Christ)
10:11 PM (9/18/24):
I found an 8th 'dimensional monster,' as of the evening... of 9/16/24...
I found an 8th 'dimensional monster,' as of the evening... of 9/16/24...
7:00 PM (9/18/24):
Sean 'Diddy' Combs Behind Bars at 'Hell on Earth' Prison - YouTube (0:00-1:05)
Sean 'Diddy' Combs Behind Bars at 'Hell on Earth' Prison - YouTube (0:00-1:05)
The above video segment, reminded me of the following video (segment-wise)... ...from the 2012 movie '12 Years A Slave':
The above video segment, reminded me of the following video (segment-wise)... ...from the 2012 movie '12 Years A Slave':
Northup and Bass Conversation - YouTube (2:08-2:34)
"...freedom, means everything..." - Bass, to Solomon Northup
5:03 PM (9/18/24):
I played this video game, in my childhood...
5:00 PM (9/18/24):
Erica Lastufka and Danny Shanaberger... ...are '2' astrophysics students, that I had encountered... ...when I had been, a Rice University student (between from 9/08-12/10)
SELF-HELP SHOW (beginnings74.blogspot.com) ('old academic quad' featured)
4:44 PM (9/18/24):
Neil deGrasse Tyson and Sarafina El-Badry Nance, are '2' notable alumni... ...from this school (regarding the discipline, of astrophysics - a subject, within the field of cosmology; a 'great interest,' of mine)
4:19 PM (9/18/24):
Strangely, my mom's motions (from left to right, at 0:01-0:03)... ...in the 'above' video... ...evoked, of the 'Old Lady from Bomb Shop'... ...in the video game, 'The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask'...
Strangely, my mom's motions (from left to right, at 0:01-0:03)... ...in the 'above' video... ...evoked, of the 'Old Lady from Bomb Shop'... ...in the video game, 'The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask'...
>>> Old Lady from Bomb Shop - Google Search (my mom is presently '61,' though... ...and I believe she 'looks good,' for her age)
How to Kill Sakon in Majora's Mask - YouTube (0:09-0:21)
The 'above' analysis, instilled within me... ...the idea... ...that Jesus Christ/'God the Son'... ...was confirming, that I am 'a dimensional kai'... ...at present...
A 'dimensional kai,' is a stage... ...with precedes... a dimensional being, 'of higher order'...
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